
PIVPN, good job!

Link: http://www.pivpn.io/

Installation: curl -L https://install.pivpn.io | bash
Update iptable to allow internet/lan access:
iptables --policy INPUT ACCEPT
iptables --policy OUTPUT ACCEPT
iptables --policy FORWARD ACCEPT
sudo bash -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules"



PCSCD driver for RPi

1. Open a root terminal window; you need to have administrator rights. Get and install the libusb library with the apt-get command: apt-get install libusb-dev libusb++-0.1-4c2 Check the installation: You shall find the library libusb.so under the directory /usr/lib/  2. Download and install the libccid package: apt-get install libccid 3. Download and install the pcsc-lite package: apt-get install pcscd 4. Check that the pcscd service is running: In the terminal console, run the command ps –A. You should find a "pcscd" process running in the list displayed